

Want to know when you are helping next? Below we have provided all the information you need.
Please note that we update this page regularly to keep you up-to-date.
Sidespersons Reader Intercessions LEMs Prayer Ministry Coffee Flowers
Mar 2nd Clive & Barbara Debbie (2 Cor 3: 12 - 4: 2) Anne Clive & Jane M Martin & Ruth Pam & Niki Shirley & Dot
Ash Weds Clive & Barbara Debbie Geoff Debbie & Gordon - - Lent
Mar 9th Daren & Ashnee John (Roman 10: 8b - 13) Christine Peter & Debbie John & Jane Daren & Ashnee Lent
Mar 16th Alison & Keith - - Geoff & Jane E Clive & Margaret Liese & Larysa Lent
Mar 23rd Ken & Sue - - - Jonathan & Carolyn Keith & Gail Lent
Mar 30th Clive & Barbara Gordon (check with Ian) Anne Clive & Jane M Anne Ken & Sue Lent
Apr 6th Alison & Keith Michelle (Phil 3: 4b - 14) Clive Gordon & Jane E Martin & Ruth Barbara & Linda Lent
Apr 13th Daren & Ashnee Anne (check with I/M) Geoff Peter & Debbie John & Jane Daren & Ashnee Lent
Apr 20th Clive & Barbara Geoff (Acts 10: 34 - 43) Jane Gordon & Geoff Clive & Margaret Pam & Niki Easter
Apr 27th Ken & Sue - - - Jonathan & Carolyn Keith & Gail Christine
5th Jun Bob & Niki John B (Acts 2: 1 - 21) Richard Geoff Bob & Niki Clive & Margaret Debbie & Niki
12th Jun Alison & Keith Geoff (Romans 5: 1 - 5) Clive Gordon Ken & Sue Martin & Ruth Debbie & Niki
19th Jun John & Jane Gordon (Galatians 3: 23 - 29) Jane Debbie Barbara & Clive Jane & John Debbie & Niki
26th Jun Ken & Sue - - - Keith & Gail Clive & Margaret Gail & Dot
3rd Jul Barbara & Clive Peter Ai (Galatians 6: 7 - 16) Geoff Jane E John & Liese Martin & Ruth Gail & Dot
10th Jul Bob & Niki Clive (Colossians 1: 1 - 14) Richard Geoff Bob & Niki Jane & John Gail & Dot
17th Jul Alison & Keith Debbie (Colossians 1: 15 - 28) Clive Debbie Ken & Sue Clive & Margaret Sue & Marion
24th Jul Ken & Sue - - - Keith & Gail Martin & Ruth Sue & Marion
31st Jul Barbara & Clive Brigitte (Colossians 3: 1 - 11) Jane Gordon Ken & Sue Jane & John Sue & Marion
7th Aug John & Jane Jane (Hebrews 11: 1 - 3, 8 - 16) Geoff Jane E John & Liese Clive & Margaret Shirley & Dot
14th Aug Bob & Niki John B (Hebrews 11: 29 - 12: 2) Richard Geoff Bob & Niki Martin & Ruth Shirley & Dot
21st Aug Alison & Keith Geoff (Hebrews 12: 18 - 29) Clive Gordon Barbara & Clive Jane & John Shirley & Dot
28th Aug Ken & Sue - - - Keith & Gail Clive & Margaret Christine

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